All about Story for Travellers in Indonesian

Jumat, 06 November 2015

Mountain Raung In Indonesia

Mount Raung  3,332 (m asl), are in the range of mountains Ijen and included as the volcano is still active with the type stratovolcano, has a caldera at its peak a circular (circular), Caldera mountain roar possessed dimensions of an area of ​​approximately 750 mx 2,250 m and still always smoke and flame. There are two paths that can be taken from the village of Ranu Pane towards Mahameru. But both of these pathways will meet at Ranu Kumbolo.

Trip Of Mountain Arjuna,Indonesia

Arjuna mountain with an altitude of 3,339 meters above sea level, since Majapahit has been used as a place of worship. As well as underwriting mountain located not so far from the mountain this arjuna, both many historical relics such as the building of worship. The slope of Arjuna mountain-slope elevation 3,339 meters above sea level is a lot of statues and temples of the kingdom of Majapahit. Ancient sites and historic widely scattered from the foot of the mountain to the mountaintop arjuna.

Temple sites and relics cult statue of the Majapahit era can only be found in Purwosari hiking trail, which is precisely from the village of Pond Watu excl. Purwodadi, kab. pasuruan. Atmosphere haunted and full of magical still shelter, because these sites are often visited by pilgrims to meditate and pray, especially the adherents kejawen, so sites in the mountain kekunaan Arjuna is well maintained and properly maintained.

Seven Summits of In Java

For those of you who like the outdoors and want to climb all the mountains in the world, it would be a good idea to climb the seven peaks on the island of Java before climbing the highest mountain in the world. Seven peaks in Java Island is perfect for those of you whose hobby with outdoor activities in addition to pemandanganya beautiful and more extreme track in the seven highest peaks on the island of Java. Surely you wonder what the mountain anywhere in Java an option just this list details the seven highest peaks on the island of Java:

1. 3676 masl Mount Semeru (East Java)

Mount Semeru also known as Mahameru is the highest mountain on the island of Java lies 7 ° 51 '- 8 ° 11' S, 112 ° 47 '- 113 ° 10' E and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. One of the uniqueness of this mountain is the crater always emit bursts periodically every 15-20 minutes or so, causing smoke gray and sometimes mixed with gravel into the air. Paths are often impassable ascent is Ranupani. 


Survival comes from the word survive means capable of defending itself from a particular situation. In this case able to defend themselves from a bad situation and critical. While Survivor is a person who is defending itself from a bad state. In order to survive in difficult situations, we must strive to meet our basic needs of what is available around us. Thus the need mastery of survival techniques, including techniques to make fire, making shelter techniques, techniques to create trap, a technique to get water, and signaling techniques to create a trail.

How to knot the rope while hiking or climbing on the cliffs

In everyday life we know that his name knot, bond. Node is a connection between the rope with a rope. Bond is the relationship between the ropes with other objects, such as wood, beams, bamboo and so on. On this occasion I post the nodes are related to the SRT, climbing, rafting, caving, mountenering etc. In the rigging, we often mix the mortar between the ropes, knots and ties. It is actually quite different following difference

ROPE: The object
SIMPUL: Between the Ropes and Cords
BONDING: Rope with other objects (Suppose wood or other objects)

Kamis, 05 November 2015

Tents and Camping Equipment Rental

Tents and Camping Equipment Rental

Hello buddy snail this time I want to share tips , for my friend who want to climb the mountain, going to the beach or going camping where continued confusion had no camping gear. Guys just calm this time I want to share rental camping area is located guys. come on immediately check which wrote that
lease tent in the city of Semarang guys.