All about Story for Travellers in Indonesian

Jumat, 06 November 2015

Seven Summits of In Java

For those of you who like the outdoors and want to climb all the mountains in the world, it would be a good idea to climb the seven peaks on the island of Java before climbing the highest mountain in the world. Seven peaks in Java Island is perfect for those of you whose hobby with outdoor activities in addition to pemandanganya beautiful and more extreme track in the seven highest peaks on the island of Java. Surely you wonder what the mountain anywhere in Java an option just this list details the seven highest peaks on the island of Java:

1. 3676 masl Mount Semeru (East Java)

Mount Semeru also known as Mahameru is the highest mountain on the island of Java lies 7 ° 51 '- 8 ° 11' S, 112 ° 47 '- 113 ° 10' E and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. One of the uniqueness of this mountain is the crater always emit bursts periodically every 15-20 minutes or so, causing smoke gray and sometimes mixed with gravel into the air. Paths are often impassable ascent is Ranupani. 

2. Mount Slamet 3,428 masl (Central Java)

Mount Slamet volcano is located on the island of Java, Indonesia. The mountain is located in the border district of Bradford, Banyumas, Purbalingga, and Pemalang, Central Java Province, and is the highest in Central Java and the second highest in Java. There are four craters on the peak of which are active. Ascent path is bambangan, times wadas and stone raden.

3.Gunung 3,371 masl (Central Java)

Is a mountain located on the island of Java, Indonesia. Sumbing have as high an altitude of 3,371 meters. The mountain is located in three districts of Magelang district, Waterford and Wonosobo. Hiking trails there are 3 that Garung and cepit and Bogowongso.

4.Gunung Arjuna 3,339 masl (East Java)

Arjuna mountain located in Malang, East Java, Strato-type with a height of 3,339 meters above sea level and is under the management of Raden Tahura Soeryo. This mountain is usually achieved from three points which is well-known ascent of Lawang, Tretes and Batu.Gunung Arjuno can climb and in different directions, towards the North (Tretes) through Mount Welirang, and the East (Lawang) and from the West (Stone-Selecta ), and south (Karangploso), also from district Sumberawan Singosari through the village. Sumberawan village is a handicraft village in the district center of Singosari and is the last village to prepare before starting the ascent.

5. Mount Raung 3332 masl (East Java) 

Mount Raung is a great mountain and unique, different from the characteristics of the mountain on the island of Java umumnva. The uniqueness of the summit of Mount roar is ellipse-shaped caldera with a depth of about 500 meters deep, which is always smoky and frequent spitting fire and there is a cone height of approximately 100m. Mount Raung including the old mountain with the caldera at its peak and is surrounded by many smaller peaks, making the scenery is absolutely stunning. Her ascent path Bondowoso (village Wringin source) and Kalibaru.

6.Gunung Lawu 3,265 masl (Central Java)

Lawu located in Java, Indonesia, on the border of Central Java and East Java. Status of this mountain is the mountain of fire "break" and had not been active, visible from the dense vegetation and eroded peak. On the slopes there is a small crater is still steaming water (fumaroles) and sulfur (solfatara). Lawu have Dipterokarp Hill forest, forest Dipterokarp Upper Montane forests, and forest Ericaceous. Lawu mountain has three peaks, Hargo Dalem, Hargo Dumiling and Hargo Dumilah. The latter is the highest peak. famous hiking trail Cemoro sewu, Cemoro cage and Cetho.

7.Gunung Welirang 3,156 masl (East Java)

Mount Welirang (or Walirang, ancient name) is a mountain located in East Java, Indonesia. "Welirang" in Javanese means sulfur. Mount Welirang have as high an altitude of 3,156 meters and has a forest area Dipterokarp Hill, Montane forests, and the Forest Ericaceous or mountain forest.

Source :
After that learn to recognize Strip Arjuno mountaineering and Welirang.   

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