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Jumat, 06 November 2015

How to knot the rope while hiking or climbing on the cliffs

In everyday life we know that his name knot, bond. Node is a connection between the rope with a rope. Bond is the relationship between the ropes with other objects, such as wood, beams, bamboo and so on. On this occasion I post the nodes are related to the SRT, climbing, rafting, caving, mountenering etc. In the rigging, we often mix the mortar between the ropes, knots and ties. It is actually quite different following difference

ROPE: The object
SIMPUL: Between the Ropes and Cords
BONDING: Rope with other objects (Suppose wood or other objects)

Knot overhand / single node
Node is the most basic and commonly used as a lock for a primary node. Or make it with two rounds (double overhand knots)


Single Figure of Eight
Knot Figure-of-Eight functions are not much different from a Single Node. The main use as a stopper knot made at the end of the rope while rapelling especially on vertical lines. Fisherman or a double overhand knot is suitable as a stopper knot.

There are two ways to create a figure of eight. Wearing a way that when the plan first put on carabiner, both when you want to tie the rope directly to the harness or other items.

Figure of Eight Follow
Begins with a single of Eight, which is then linked to the anchor or harness, this way is known as threaded system. namely by following the node that was created earlier.

Figure of Eight Knot
Type of eight knot is made by doubling the main line, used only karabiner, was to anchor or harness is made by threaded system.

This method is suitable habit to tie directly to the harness.

Heaving Living Knot
Function so that the pace of the rope in the descender uncontrolled by abseiller can be stuck on the end of a rope that had been knotted.

LOOP is knot-shaped bundle (loop) which are associated is its bundled, among others;

Loop overhand
Generally made in order to put a halt to strap on descender, while abseiller unable to control the pace of shifting the rope when he fell to the end of the rope.
Figure of Nine Knot strong Although this knot is rarely used, since when it has been burdened with a heavy load is difficult outlined

Bowline Knot
Better known as a node goats, as adapted for uses that bind pets. Even this knot developed into Mountaineering Bowline which have double ring and also French Bowline that have the double loop (on the bight).


Bowline's Climber
How to make it not much different from the Bowline Knot, the difference is that this knot faster in its manufacture.

Italian Hitch Or Munter Hitch
This knot is used as a knot to secure a climber. belayer when a climber fell swiftly, making Mule Knot, on the rope used as braking. When the climber has safely easily belayer can easily detach this Mule node.

Anchor Hitch
This knot is easy to make but rarely used for high-risk activities, such as rock climbing and other woods.

Clove Hitch
Known as the root node. At Rock Climbing worn by the belayer to secure himself, who was placed on the anchor points. Part of which is connected to the climber through a belaying tools.


Highwayman's Knot
This knot will be very easily removed by pulling the rope we only, which is not a part of the rope that stretched out to the load. Also known as the Quick Release Knot.

Timber Hitch
Generally used when camping, for example to draw a fairly heavy logs.

Timber Hitch Umumnya dipakai saat berkemah, misal untuk menarik batang kayu yang cukup berat.

Twitter: @KeongTraveler, Instagram: @KeongTraveler, FansPage: Catatan Harian Keong

Mule Hitch
Only by pulling the latch knot, the knot will be easily released. Generally made with Hitc combined with Italian / Munter Hitch, as a safety knot while easily removed.
Mule Hitch Hanya dengan menarik simpul penguncinya, simpul ini akan dengan mudahnya dilepaskan. Umunya dibuat dengan dipadukan dengan Italian Hitc/Munter Hitch, sebagai simpul pengaman sementara yang mudah dilepaskan.

Twitter: @KeongTraveler, Instagram: @KeongTraveler, FansPage: Catatan Harian Keong

Tautline Knot
This node is attached to an artificial peg or anchor-natural anchor. However tend to make somewhat twisted rope.

Such are the ways to knot your knowledge may be useful, thank you guys!


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