All about Story for Travellers in Indonesian

Jumat, 06 November 2015

Mountain Raung In Indonesia

Mount Raung  3,332 (m asl), are in the range of mountains Ijen and included as the volcano is still active with the type stratovolcano, has a caldera at its peak a circular (circular), Caldera mountain roar possessed dimensions of an area of ​​approximately 750 mx 2,250 m and still always smoke and flame. There are two paths that can be taken from the village of Ranu Pane towards Mahameru. But both of these pathways will meet at Ranu Kumbolo.

Climbing lanes Via Waringinn

This is the first bike shelter hut, there is usually some offer taxi services to this place. Not bad, we can save time. Because of this pndok basecamp to walk if we need energy and time to take approximately 8 Km, and usually in tembuh about 4 hours. And remember! There is no source of water in the mountain roared except in basecamp!Shelter hut next wells, usually used for a short break. From about 6 hours drive from the motor lodge. Here the place is not so wide enough only for 2 tents only. Cottage Tonyok About 2 hours drive from the cottage wells. The place is fairly wide, enough for 4 tents, but the authors overlook this place for a place to sleep or set up a tent, because the reason for shortening the reach of the camp to the summit.

Lodge demit This is the most efficient place to set up camp. Characteristic of this place is adjacent twin tree, beneath which we can set up a tent, but just enough 2 tents only. From here usually with methods summit attack to go to the top. Finished goods and logistic we live in the camp, and continue the journey to the top. It is chosen by the author as a very efficient, and the ascent will be lighter without carrying the load. Usually summit attack began at 3 am, because of the lodge demit to the peak takes 2 hours, so we could still enjoy the sunrise at the top of the mountain roared.Cottage Mayit When our summit attack, it must pass through this shelter. This is a very roomy, but unfortunately the place is rather skewed. Here we can set up more than eight tents.

This wind hut is the only shelter that has a tang completely open, here we feel at altitude, because pandangn broad and unhindered by dense trees.

In Memoriam Deden Hidayat It is batar vegetation on the mountain roared, in this place there is an inscription in memoriam deden hidayat, is a climber who died on the mountain roared. From here the journey to the top has a rugged terrain and rocky to lead us on the crater rim.To reach the summit of the peak roar in need guts rather adequate, because the path to the summit we are obliged to walk on the crater rim that makes our feet sometimes creeps. To get there please take the path to the left / east with terrain that is uphill. And choose the safest route. Remember! Your safety can not be purchased at any pharmacy!Suggested camp for climbing lanes waringin source, Bondowoso, the authors suggest to use it to lodge demit or camp. This is recommended if piknikers hike with one overnight only. Roared the peak of the mountain peak is one of the highest plateau in the lip of the crater. Which is actually the summit we climb out of this pathway is the second highest point.
The highest peak of the first can not be accessed from this path. If you want to the highest peak of the piknikers must climb via the southbound lanes are lanes in Banyuwangi Kalibaru.

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