All about Story for Travellers in Indonesian

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Access Mount Salak in Indonesia

Access Mount Salak in Indonesia

Mount Salak is a volcano that is administratively located in the district of Bogor and Sukabumi. This mountain has several peaks including the peak Salak I with an altitude of 2,211 m above sea level and the peak Salak II with a height of 2,180 m above sea level.

Mount Salak is not the name of a plant bark, but comes from Sangsekerta "Salaka" which means silver. The last eruption of this mountain occurred in 1938 in the form of phreatic eruption that occurred in the crater Cikuluwung Princess.

Climbing Mount Salak can through several hiking trails. Which often climb the peak is the peak I and II. Salak I can climb the peak from the direction Cimelati near Cicurug, Cidahu Sukabumi or queen crater of Mount Bunder.

To climb this mountain should be done by mid summer. In the dry season is not too muddy hiking trail, the wind is not too strong, and there are no leeches or leeches.

Salak mountain climbing can be done through an alternate route climb four, namely:

Route Climbing Mount Salak
* Track Cidahu (Sukabumi)
* Track Giri Jaya (Curug Pilung)
* Track Kutajaya / Cimelati
* Paths Sand Reungit

Cidahu path, Sukabumi

One lane is often used by mountain climbers is from Wana Cangkuang, District Cidahu, Sukabumi. From Jakarta to this place could use Sukabumi majors bus or train from Bogor, Sukabumi majors then fell in Cicurug. Furthermore, from Cicurug continued by car Cidahu public transportation department.

From this place there are two hiking trails, the long path leading to the peak I and a new path to the crater Queen. Wana Cangkuang often used into the camp with a view of a beautiful waterfall and often used climbers headed to Crater Queen. From this path also can lead to the summit climbers Salak I.

At the entrance of Wana These tours are a convenient place for camping, there are also many food stalls. From this pathway can lead Kawah Ratu, the time required is approximately 3-5 hours drive. Meanwhile, to get to the top of Mount Salak I takes about 8 hours drive.

From the campsite to the shelter III has the initial path is steep, then humid and wet. In the rainy season this track is slippery and steep path, the trip helped by tree roots. At the shelter, there are clear river and there is a large enough place to set up a tent with a view of the lush tropical forests.

Towards shelter IV, increasingly steep path. This path is in the form of red soil. In some places, you will pass some places knee-deep muddy feet. On this track also climbers will pass two clear river water. To climb this path should take the clear water here because in the dry season the river is a source of clean water last.

Sehelter IV is a crossroads. To go to the Queen Crater take the road to the left, while to get to the top of Mount Salak take the path to the right. In this shelter has an area large enough to build a tent.

Towards Crater Queen

Shelter IV to the crater of the Queen takes about 1 hour. Queen crater consists of three craters, craters Queen (the greatest), crater Paeh (dead crater), crater Hurip (crater life). Kawah Ratu is an active crater that periodically emit sulfur smelling gas. In this place set up tents prohibited and forbidden to drink water sulfur.

To the summit of Mount Salak
From Sehleter III to the shelter IV will take 1 hour. His journey will traverse the tree roots are covered in soft ground so the foot could be farthest. From this place will look Kawah Ratu very clearly. After passing a small river and a very spacious place, climbers turn right. Then walk to the left following the barbed wire fence.

This path is very narrow, a little derivative, slightly sloping, too steep. On the left and right side of the road in the form of a steep ravine and in. On this path covered with grass and trees. One hour climbers traverse this path will traverse tree roots and rocks.

V shelter path slightly downhill and then back menajak sharp. Climbers will climb the steep rock cliffs. Towards shelter VI takes about 1 hour, increasingly steep and narrow lane so there is no time to rest.

At the shelter VII climbers take about an hour to climb the mountain ridges increasingly uphill. On this track many hikers will traverse the tree roots so that when the wind blows climbers will participate sway. From here it only takes ten minutes to get to the top of Mount Salak I, this path is not too steep.

Comes the peak of Mount Salak I, Mountaintop is still overgrown with large trees. The place is very spacious and can be used to set up some tents. At the peak, there are several ancient tombs, including the tomb of Mount Salak grandparent whose real name Raden KH Moh. Hasan Bin Raden K.H. Bahyudin Braja Kusumah. Not far from the tomb Embah Mount Salak, there is another ancient tomb, the tomb Raden Tubagus Yusuf Maulana Hidayatullah Bin Seh Sarip. At the peak of Mount Salak I also include a cabin that is often used by the pilgrims to stay.


Source : Gunung Salak

Access Mount Ciremei in Indonesia

Access Mount Ciremei in Indonesia

Ciremei mountain is the highest mountain in West Java (3,078 masl), can be seen clearly by the passenger train or other public vehicle along the path around the northern coast of Cirebon. To the top Ciremei there are three paths that can be taken that path Majalengka, and Palutungan path, the path Linggarjati. Linggarjati path is the steepest and toughest, but this path is the most frequently traveled climbers.

Strip Apuy

From the toll booth palimanan, up until the intersection palimanan little colt. The next ride public transportation to the Duchy, was continued to the intersection of Market up again toward the terminal Terminal Maja Maja quite crowded because it merges with a small market. Pickup vegetables to Apuy already existed since pk.05.00 morning, Leaving Maja with pickup passes foggy stretch of agricultural land interspersed with small villages captivating. At the end of the trip, pickup past the village hall dense and uphill. Pick up up in front of the board instructions to Muara Curug Kingdom + 600 m here there is a mosque. Mosque opposite the village hall, among which there are large trees plastered signposts to the top Ciremai and the waterfall. Behind the mosque there are toilets, entrance from the right side of the mosque. Parallel before the village hall there are stalls of food and drinks.

Strip Palutungan

Palutungan path is not as steep Linggajati track, but the travel time takes longer. Palutungan is a last village located on the southern slopes of the mountain Ciremei and is at an altitude of 1100 mdpl.Palutungan precisely located in the Village area Cisantana, district. Cigugur, Kab. Brass.

There is also a garden Linggajati Beautiful, park of 11 hectares has various recreational facilities, including swimming pools and springs Cibulakan, Silinggonom, Balong Renteng, Recreation water and a fishing pond, place of rest, cottages, villas, Forest Park, Caravan, etc. , Checkpoints is approximately 500 m from the Museum Linggajati, we need to enroll and pay insurance per person 5,000, -.

Prepare your provisions, especially water as hard to get water during the trip. The climbers can use the services of resident or post guards to guide their way to the top. The path to the summit is very clear and many signs pointing the way, so the climbers for the first time would not be lost.


Source : Gunung Ciremei

Access Mount Cikuray in Indonesia

Access Mount Cikuray in Indonesia

Cikuray identical with a giant cone is one of the mountains which is located in the southern town of Garut, West Java. Cikuray mountain has an altitude of 2,818 meters above sea level (masl) and is the fourth highest mountain in West Java after three other mountains, namely, Mount Ceremai (3078 masl), Pangrango (3019 masl), and Mount Gede (2958 masl). Although this beautiful mountain, Mount Cikuray located in Garut, West Java, Indonesia.


Climbing Mount Cikuray of Cilawu can be reached from Garut. The trip from the highway to get to the starting point of the ascent that is the TV transmitter stations can take about 2 hours to 3 hours on foot or can use a motorcycle taxi is only about 40 minutes. To track road from the highway to the TV transmitting station, can be passed from Babakan Village Flea - Cisumur Village - Village Mekarsari - TV transmitter stations.

State of the roads to the transmitting station is wide enough where cars can pass but the road is only tesusun of rocks. If you want to the District Cilawu with public transport can majored in Garut who will stop at Garut (Guntur), followed by public transportation 06 toward Cilawu, may go down in Sukamulya or Cigarungsang, on the way we see the Post plantation, where we are in order ngisi guest book and taxable costs Rp.2.000 / person. Then be followed by a motorcycle taxi services to get to the transmitting station 30,000 / person

Path lanes Cilawu

From the transmitting station, start climbing through the tea gardens with a clearly visible ridge, from there also can be seen form the ridge that will climb up to the summit of Mount Cikuray if the weather is sunny with no fog. Journey through the tea gardens just short, about 30 minutes by circumstances arid and dusty track. After that just entered the forest shade. Outside the rainy season, the soil still looks barren and dusty when passed.

Shelter 1 can be achieved from the TV transmitter station takes about 50 minutes. Then add about 50 minutes to get to the  Shelter  2. It takes about Shelter  2 to  Shelter  3 is 1.5 times longer than the travel time of P Shelter  1 to  Shelter  2. Because the terrain is steep, the contours of the meeting,  Shelter  1,  Shelter 2, and H Shelter  3 is only able to accommodate one to two tents , While in  Shelter 4 there is more space that can accommodate up to three tents.

Before starting the climb, you should fill the water supplies in TV transmitter stations. In the long dry season, climbers can not fill the water supplies in the transmitting station because the workers at the transmitter station also had to commute to the village to refill the water they need. So to be sure, should be filled prior to the transmitting station, precisely in the last village: Village Cisumur or Dayeuh Manggung Cikoneng Village, District Cilawu.

Shelter 4 The journey continues steadily climbed from  Shelter  4 toward the post takes about 45 minutes with a slope yan steeper as  Shelter  to the  Shelter  4 can then proceed to the post peak shadow that has a broader area than the five previous post and the situation is more flat without shrubs.

Trip after  Shelter  Peak Shadows can be done to the  Shelter  which covers almost the same as the post peak shadows that can accommodate about 3 to 4 tents.  Shelter  6 of these tall trees already are not too tight but still can block the wind blow straight and is very close to the summit of Mount Cikuray.  Shelter  6 may be the most relaxing place to wait for the moment of sunrise or sinking. Just stay uphill to the summit less than 15 minutes to bring supplies to taste, and then back again to the  Shelter  6 about 10 minutes.

Cikuray mountain peak with views of the city and mountains in the area of Garut. On the west appears lined mountains to the north, from the volcano up Mount Guntur.

At the peak of Mount Cikuray there are buildings in the form of postal measuring 2.5 x 2.5 meters. So it is only able to accommodate one tent. Occupying the post at the top of this is an option that is at risk, especially in the rainy season. In addition to its peak arid conditions and is not surrounded by trees, the post used to be the direct target of the climbers to the summit to set up a tent.


Source : Gunung Cikuray

Access Mount Papandayan in Indonesia

Access Mount Papandayan in Indonesia

Papandayan located in Garut district. This stratovolcano Mount type of time before erupting in 2002 has four large crater complex but saetelah this crater erupts into a crater large enough area, and the crater is visible from a distance. Complex Papandayan crater can be visited by the general public who are not mountain climbers though, this is possible because of the smooth asphalt road that stretches from the bottom up to the mountain near the crater.

Hikers can park their vehicles in the parking lot which was quite spacious and walk about 5 minutes from the car park and after that will enter the crater area of the mountain known as Mas crater. In the parking area there are many stalls selling food and other than in the region near the square Pondok Salada also a stall.

Whether it needs to reach the crater area of the mountain can be used with a vehicle, for mountaineers challenge in this mountain is still there, the trekking path from the square Pondok Salada up to the summit of this mountain and then down to the ridge top of this mountain and the trail of this pathway ended up in the parking area behind the vehicle. The trekking route takes approximately 6 hours.

For those who bring personal vehicles, from the city of arrowroot turn your vehicle toward Cijulang and fork Cisurupan take a straight path do not turn left, as a benchmark at the junction Cisurupan there signpost welcome to the volcano.


Parking - Square Pondok Salada

From the parking lot of the track begins to approach the crater and then split crater, be careful when walking because there dibebeberapa a loose part with temperatures hot enough and the legs can sink. Then the track turns to the right and out of the complex when the crater is a footpath continues flat to up in a stall and here there is a field which is enough to hold more than 30 tents. Paths to Pondok Salada can be found in front of this shop and about five minutes walk from the shop we will get in Pondok Salada. In Pondok Salada is no small sungia clear water only contains sulfur.

Pondok Salada - Square Tegal Alur

Pondok Salada paths climbing up a ridge that is in front of the cottage lettuce, state trails path slightly crushed many large rocks such as streams dry. After completing a fairly steep ascent stage is a path becomes flat and then turn left and then along the ridge. Be careful when pungungan down because the left ravine in within just seengah meters from the trail. Shortly after coming out of the forest area that is not so heavy, we will arrive at a square large enough. Known as the Square Tegal Alur, at the end of this square (calculated from where we appear) there is a small river flowing clear. Before reaching the square in advance we would pass a similar field sebuh crater dead.

Tegal Alur - Peak

Tegal Alur from the trail to the peak direction is across a small river, the trail is so clear that sodium absorption ratio is then veer towards the right into the forest, Be careful while in this area probably because it is rarely in the travel lane so sometimes lane suddenly walking trails disappeared but if observant we will find many string line or rope red raffia and bitu that in tying the branches of trees as markers of the road. Area of ​​the peak of the volcano is not much that can be enjoyed in addition to a view of the crater. This culminated no triangulation his pole or mast height pointer. There is no sign other than the time until the peak of the mountain is a path onwards will decline. If you carry an altimeter or a GPS meal will easily determine peak. The mountain top is only a small courtyard and camouflaged with footpaths splitting.


Not hard just when you enter the area subject to a levy Rp.3.000, - per person. For a vehicle if you bring a vehicle and stay you can give money services keep the vehicle on the parking guard.


Source :

Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Access Mount Lawu in Indonesia

Access Mount Lawu in Indonesia

Mountain climbing at 3265 masl Lawu can through 3 lines. South line that is through Cemoro Sewu, West pathway through Cemoro Cage, and the latter path is the path that rarely be passed by the people in general only the residents of Ngawi on his specially Srambang path.
We peeled one by one this path, a first for you departing from East Java, of course drive vehicles starting with departing bus from terminal to terminal Maospati Magetan. It takes about 30 minutes. Rice sesawahan way down the road. Up slightly into the air Magetan city was growing cool.

In this city of its flagship product is the leather craft, and of course there are a lot of things that we can rush to the central market of local industries. There are bags, belts, shoes and other knickknacks surrounding skin.

From the terminal Magetan first we must shift gears with drive L300, towards Ngerong (sales centers vegetables), through Sarangan lake (lake coolest seputran Pan Ma Ma Wi Rogo). and ends at Cemoro sewu, which is a departure from the south side of the post.

 View Mount Lawu

Access Path Cemoro Sewu
Nah sekarang kita membahas medan cemoro sewu hingga puncak. Awal pendakian jalan masih lebar dan agak datar, setelah memasuki pos 1 barulah tanjakan demi tanjakan menantang di depan kita. Jalan pun juga semakin menyempit. Pepohonan di sekitar pos 1 hingga pos 3 masih sama yaitu pinus dengan di selingi pohon perdu. Namun sayang sekali pada kanan kiri jalan, dari Cemoro sewu hingga pos 1 telah di babat menjadi ladang penanaman kobis dan wortel.

While the average trees have many died. Heading 1 to heading 2 stench out of rocks containing sulfur, while the place into the woods away from the road. Incline increasingly ngetrek when leaving the post 2 to 4. The post then after post 4 shrub that is at an altitude of 2600 meters above sea meets the valleys and canyons.

Well in the morning then we will continue the journey to reach the summit of Mount Lawu, Hargo Dumilah with an altitude of 3165 meters above sea level. At its peak in the wake of triangulation pillar, and a lot of gods in the form of incense, flowers and some food. From the top we could see to the east is Mount Wilis, and if just a good good weather again we could witness to the greatness of Mount Semeru, Mt.Arjuno. If you look to the west can see Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu.

Access Path Cemoro Kandang

And for those of you who want to climb from Central Java and Yogyakarta, can ride a bus from the terminal Solo, passing Palur and Karanganyar, and the bus ended up in Tawangmangu (famous for gerojokan sewu it) From Tawangmangu change pickup vehicle with a lid, or up L300, to get to Cemoro Cage.

In the course of our eyes staring at the expanse sesawahan selaui cabbage, carrots and potatoes, just off the edge of the nets, there are some people who wash yields in roadside drains. Arriving at Cemoro cages usually our first short rest, drink coffee or just chatting away. Cage Cemoro because there are more stalls than in Cemoro Sewu.

Along the lines of Cemoro Cage to the top of the path is not climbing, but tend to be circular and down the hillside (if Cemoro sewu through the ridge) to post 2 smell of sulfur was overpowering, plants of heading 1 to heading 4 is a plant lamtoro mountains, pine and fern , interspersed mountain shrubs.

Until well into the gulf street Pangariparip always down the slope, but if you do not want to walk a circle you can directly pass through sidatan, ngetrek and if it rains this path will be passed flood the mountains. Until the next post 4 plants already rare, and replaced the grass of the mountain, Clark Srengenge more widely through these pathways, lawns extend to later meet with lines of Cemoro Sewu, in the area HargoDalem.


 Peak Mount Lawu

 You will enter the market area Dieng, the expanse of meadow edelweiss in selinggi rocks neatly arranged, according to Dieng market myths is the market Satan. If you look to the north side of Market Dieng that our eyes will definitely be on a hill which has a tower base stations, namely hill Hargo heaven. Through the east side of the hill Hargo heaven that we can get through the hiking trail from the North side (Ngawi).


Source :
Anda akan memasuki daerah pasar Dieng, yaitu hamparan padang edelweis di selinggi bebatuan yang tertata rapi, menurut mitos pasar Dieng adalah pasarnya Setan. Jika melihat ke arah utara yaitu Sisi Pasar Dieng mata kita pasti akan tertuju pada sebuah bukit yang memiliki menara BTS, yaitu bukit Hargo Kahyangan. Melaui sisi sebelah timur bukit Hargo Kahyangan inilah kita bisa melewati jalur pendakian dari sisi Utara (Ngawi).

Twitter: @KeongTraveler, Instagram: @KeongTraveler, FansPage: Catatan Harian Keong



Access Path Mount Sumbing in Indonesia

Access Path Mount Sumbing in Indonesia

Sumbing, including high mountain in Java lies between Waterford and the region Wonosobo, Central Java stands proudly alongside Sindoro mountain next to it. This strato bertype altitude mountain 3,371 meters above sea level, while its peak consisted of towering sandstone cliffs surrounded by craters - small craters spread sulfur fumes. Sumbing peak consists of two peaks, andes peak, with an altitude of 3,362 meters above sea level and the summit crater, with a height of 3,372 meters above sea level. Map Ascent Path Mount Sumbing to Garung.

This mountain climbing can be done through three alternative ascent route is:
Route Climbing Mount Sumbing
* These Parakan cepit (Pungungan East)
* These Bogowongso (Pungungan West)
* These Garung Village (North Pungungan)

View Sunrise Mount Sindoro and shadow MountSumbing of PEAK Mount Sumbing

Climbing lanes Garung
  To climb the mountain Sumbing via a hiking trail Garung there are 2 paths can be passed through the ridge to the left referred to as the old line while the right side of the ridge is often called a new path. in general a lot of climbers who pass through the ridge right hand because it is very easy.
  Of the three hiking trails, paths through the hamlet Garung is the path most in demand by the climbers because this track has a lot of safety instructions and the terrain is more secure and also travel time by using this path is the fastest compared with two other lines.

From Hamlet Garung climbers can start the climb with two alternative paths that climb the old paths and new paths. No differences were specific to the second line was only the direction and the angle of the climb just a little different. If using the old track then it will be very heavy because around (seduplak roto) or fifth kilometer ascent climbers will find terrain climbing a slope of about 70 degrees, so that when the rains would be very dangerous to climb. Unlike the new path that lies to the west of the old track, climbing terrain is not as heavy as the old path only when using this path many climbers will pass through a small hilly area so it will feel longer.

Here are the posts Mount Sumbing :
Old paths
* Base camp (Post supervision) (Km I) 1455 M
* The fields of agriculture (tobacco) (Km II)
* Malim (Km III)
* Genus (IV Km) 2240 M
* Seduplak Roto (Km V)
* Pestan 2437 M
* Pasar Watu (Watu Box) 2763 M
* Land White (KM VI)
* Peak Dead-end 3371 M
* Peak crater (KM VII)

New Path
* Base Camp (Km I)
* Agricultural fields (Km II)
* Kedung (Bosweisen) (Km III)
* Gatakan (IV Km) 2240 M (Heading 2)
* Krendegan

Path leading to the top after the farm is rocky path. The stone path known prone to landslides so climbers are advised to be careful through this route. After passing through this rocky path, the hikers will be able to reach the top dead-end (3371 M). of these peaks climbers must surround the trail to go down to the crater of the mount sumbing.

From the top of a dead-end in the morning can see the magnificent mountain climbers Sindoro located right in front of the eyes and the beauty of Mount Slamet (3428 Mdpl) 110 Km west Sumbing. 

Travel time required climbers to reach the summit is between 8 to 15 hours depending on weather and physical climbers. Even then using Garung path that includes the fastest among other lines. If the climber will try parakan cepit path or paths kalikajar then a trip to the summit could take a asmapi two-day trip because the track ramps and signs to the summit not much Garung path.

In addition to the view looking off in all directions during the ascent, the mountain also has a crater that could descend. Basically overgrown by grass and surrounded by rocky cliffs. This location can also be used as a place to sleep. Find a place some distance from the pit crater where the discharge of sulfur fumes.


Source :  


Access to Climbing Mount Ungaran in Indonesia

Access to Climbing Mount Ungaran
Mount Ungaran located next to the South - Southwestern Semarang city at a distance of about 40 Km, precisely located in the district of Semarang. Mount Ungaran including volcano. The mountain is composed of three mountains namely Mt. Gendol, Bald Mountain, and Mount Ungaran. The highest peak of Mount Ungaran has a height of 2,050 meters above sea level.
Mount Ungaran has three lanes climb to the top of the lane Gedung Songo temple, Jimbaran lanes, and lane Medini. Three of these pathways are often in the climbers passed Gedung Songo temple lanes and paths Jimbaran.

To reach the summit of Mount Ungaran takes about 5 hours of Gedung Songo temple, or about 8 hours of Jimbaran. This mountain can be climbed from Jimbaran - Ungaran, or from the garden tour Gedung Songo Temple - Ambarawa. For the instigators of the outdoors from West Java and East Java could use ground transportation train, from West Java Tawang Jaya train ride from the station to the station Poncol Senen Jakarta - Semarang. East Java took the train from the station towards Poncol Semarang Turi market. Arriving at the station Poncol we ride the city bus to the terminal Terboyo, followed by a small bus Bandungan majors.
Mount Ungaran has an altitude of 2050 meters above sea level, the landscape is still covered with dense forest and there are many tourist attractions, as well as sacred places that are worth visiting. Panorama at the top of Mount Ungaran we witnessed Merbabu very sturdy and large when viewed at the summit of Mount Ungaran.
From Terboyo find bus termina majors Bandungan down in the market jimbaran 10,000Rupiah 
a journey of approximately 45 minutes.
  Motorcycle taxi from jimbaran market to climb Pos I rose 15,000 Rupiah.
Access Path Jimbaran
Heading up roses proceed back with trekking to the Post II or Post Shadow. Roses from post we can see Mount Merbabu and Mount Telomoyo. We use as much as possible the atmosphere of this charming panorama with documenting every moment of good.
We started the journey early hallmark of mountainous forest area with little vegetation that covered so that the air is quite cool. Then began to climb the terrain and vegetation began to open, so when the weather is dry it becomes dusty terrain. Proceed with field trips that start entering the forest back with a lot of trees so that the atmosphere becomes cooler, the middle of our trip across the river and there is a small waterfall so that the atmosphere becomes cooler. The sound of water and the breeze is so cool and peaceful the atmosphere of the place is still covered with large trees mountain Ungaran.
From waterfalls journey continued walking towards the right with the track uphill and back slightly sloping. Crossing the forest area as far as 1 km will take us to the plantation Sikendil. At the location of a coffee plantation, there are huts and water reservoirs that resembles a swimming pool.
There is a path branching, the left is towards the top being straight is the path to Babadan, Ungaran. Road slightly uphill until then leveled off towards the junction which is the path to the top. Just down the road is flat, we get dipertigaan the kendil, a branching on the border between coffee plantations

From the hamlet Promasan ascent continued with along the path amidst tea plantations. In the end we'll see a tea plantation forests are not so dense with mountains and pine lamtoro decorate it. Next we will find the path meeting, take a straight line because the left lane is a lane of the junction. If we do not go down to the village but directly Promasan summit of the junction, when he met this branching take the left lane. Normal mileage of the junction and the village Promasan to the summit is 2 hours with rugged terrain, full of stones, and sometimes we had to climb rocks 1 meter high.
Half way or approximately 1 hour walk, we will see the rock cliffs elevation of about 20 meters and decorated by savannas with rare trees. This area is very hot in the daytime and blustery due to the absence of protective trees growing, mostly reeds that we can meet here up to the peak.
It is recommended that climb to the top at night or early in the morning, in addition to safe drinking water also to avoid the scorching sun can burn the skin. Here pathway requires high vigilance, because we passed a large rocky ridge steep and slippery. We take a path that circled the cliffs.
If you've reached a small forest flanked by two ridge means Ungaran mountain top is near. Above the forest we can see steep cliffs, walking trails along the central part of the cliff to the left and then turn right and finally came to the top of Ungaran elevation 2050 meters above sea level and is decorated by a monument built by the military battalion of Semarang. From the summit of Mount Ungaran we can see MountSumbing, MountSindoro in the southwest.