All about Story for Travellers in Indonesian

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Access Mount Papandayan in Indonesia

Access Mount Papandayan in Indonesia

Papandayan located in Garut district. This stratovolcano Mount type of time before erupting in 2002 has four large crater complex but saetelah this crater erupts into a crater large enough area, and the crater is visible from a distance. Complex Papandayan crater can be visited by the general public who are not mountain climbers though, this is possible because of the smooth asphalt road that stretches from the bottom up to the mountain near the crater.

Hikers can park their vehicles in the parking lot which was quite spacious and walk about 5 minutes from the car park and after that will enter the crater area of the mountain known as Mas crater. In the parking area there are many stalls selling food and other than in the region near the square Pondok Salada also a stall.

Whether it needs to reach the crater area of the mountain can be used with a vehicle, for mountaineers challenge in this mountain is still there, the trekking path from the square Pondok Salada up to the summit of this mountain and then down to the ridge top of this mountain and the trail of this pathway ended up in the parking area behind the vehicle. The trekking route takes approximately 6 hours.

For those who bring personal vehicles, from the city of arrowroot turn your vehicle toward Cijulang and fork Cisurupan take a straight path do not turn left, as a benchmark at the junction Cisurupan there signpost welcome to the volcano.


Parking - Square Pondok Salada

From the parking lot of the track begins to approach the crater and then split crater, be careful when walking because there dibebeberapa a loose part with temperatures hot enough and the legs can sink. Then the track turns to the right and out of the complex when the crater is a footpath continues flat to up in a stall and here there is a field which is enough to hold more than 30 tents. Paths to Pondok Salada can be found in front of this shop and about five minutes walk from the shop we will get in Pondok Salada. In Pondok Salada is no small sungia clear water only contains sulfur.

Pondok Salada - Square Tegal Alur

Pondok Salada paths climbing up a ridge that is in front of the cottage lettuce, state trails path slightly crushed many large rocks such as streams dry. After completing a fairly steep ascent stage is a path becomes flat and then turn left and then along the ridge. Be careful when pungungan down because the left ravine in within just seengah meters from the trail. Shortly after coming out of the forest area that is not so heavy, we will arrive at a square large enough. Known as the Square Tegal Alur, at the end of this square (calculated from where we appear) there is a small river flowing clear. Before reaching the square in advance we would pass a similar field sebuh crater dead.

Tegal Alur - Peak

Tegal Alur from the trail to the peak direction is across a small river, the trail is so clear that sodium absorption ratio is then veer towards the right into the forest, Be careful while in this area probably because it is rarely in the travel lane so sometimes lane suddenly walking trails disappeared but if observant we will find many string line or rope red raffia and bitu that in tying the branches of trees as markers of the road. Area of ​​the peak of the volcano is not much that can be enjoyed in addition to a view of the crater. This culminated no triangulation his pole or mast height pointer. There is no sign other than the time until the peak of the mountain is a path onwards will decline. If you carry an altimeter or a GPS meal will easily determine peak. The mountain top is only a small courtyard and camouflaged with footpaths splitting.


Not hard just when you enter the area subject to a levy Rp.3.000, - per person. For a vehicle if you bring a vehicle and stay you can give money services keep the vehicle on the parking guard.


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