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Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Access Mount Cikuray in Indonesia

Access Mount Cikuray in Indonesia

Cikuray identical with a giant cone is one of the mountains which is located in the southern town of Garut, West Java. Cikuray mountain has an altitude of 2,818 meters above sea level (masl) and is the fourth highest mountain in West Java after three other mountains, namely, Mount Ceremai (3078 masl), Pangrango (3019 masl), and Mount Gede (2958 masl). Although this beautiful mountain, Mount Cikuray located in Garut, West Java, Indonesia.


Climbing Mount Cikuray of Cilawu can be reached from Garut. The trip from the highway to get to the starting point of the ascent that is the TV transmitter stations can take about 2 hours to 3 hours on foot or can use a motorcycle taxi is only about 40 minutes. To track road from the highway to the TV transmitting station, can be passed from Babakan Village Flea - Cisumur Village - Village Mekarsari - TV transmitter stations.

State of the roads to the transmitting station is wide enough where cars can pass but the road is only tesusun of rocks. If you want to the District Cilawu with public transport can majored in Garut who will stop at Garut (Guntur), followed by public transportation 06 toward Cilawu, may go down in Sukamulya or Cigarungsang, on the way we see the Post plantation, where we are in order ngisi guest book and taxable costs Rp.2.000 / person. Then be followed by a motorcycle taxi services to get to the transmitting station 30,000 / person

Path lanes Cilawu

From the transmitting station, start climbing through the tea gardens with a clearly visible ridge, from there also can be seen form the ridge that will climb up to the summit of Mount Cikuray if the weather is sunny with no fog. Journey through the tea gardens just short, about 30 minutes by circumstances arid and dusty track. After that just entered the forest shade. Outside the rainy season, the soil still looks barren and dusty when passed.

Shelter 1 can be achieved from the TV transmitter station takes about 50 minutes. Then add about 50 minutes to get to the  Shelter  2. It takes about Shelter  2 to  Shelter  3 is 1.5 times longer than the travel time of P Shelter  1 to  Shelter  2. Because the terrain is steep, the contours of the meeting,  Shelter  1,  Shelter 2, and H Shelter  3 is only able to accommodate one to two tents , While in  Shelter 4 there is more space that can accommodate up to three tents.

Before starting the climb, you should fill the water supplies in TV transmitter stations. In the long dry season, climbers can not fill the water supplies in the transmitting station because the workers at the transmitter station also had to commute to the village to refill the water they need. So to be sure, should be filled prior to the transmitting station, precisely in the last village: Village Cisumur or Dayeuh Manggung Cikoneng Village, District Cilawu.

Shelter 4 The journey continues steadily climbed from  Shelter  4 toward the post takes about 45 minutes with a slope yan steeper as  Shelter  to the  Shelter  4 can then proceed to the post peak shadow that has a broader area than the five previous post and the situation is more flat without shrubs.

Trip after  Shelter  Peak Shadows can be done to the  Shelter  which covers almost the same as the post peak shadows that can accommodate about 3 to 4 tents.  Shelter  6 of these tall trees already are not too tight but still can block the wind blow straight and is very close to the summit of Mount Cikuray.  Shelter  6 may be the most relaxing place to wait for the moment of sunrise or sinking. Just stay uphill to the summit less than 15 minutes to bring supplies to taste, and then back again to the  Shelter  6 about 10 minutes.

Cikuray mountain peak with views of the city and mountains in the area of Garut. On the west appears lined mountains to the north, from the volcano up Mount Guntur.

At the peak of Mount Cikuray there are buildings in the form of postal measuring 2.5 x 2.5 meters. So it is only able to accommodate one tent. Occupying the post at the top of this is an option that is at risk, especially in the rainy season. In addition to its peak arid conditions and is not surrounded by trees, the post used to be the direct target of the climbers to the summit to set up a tent.


Source : Gunung Cikuray

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