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Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Access Mount Lawu in Indonesia

Access Mount Lawu in Indonesia

Mountain climbing at 3265 masl Lawu can through 3 lines. South line that is through Cemoro Sewu, West pathway through Cemoro Cage, and the latter path is the path that rarely be passed by the people in general only the residents of Ngawi on his specially Srambang path.
We peeled one by one this path, a first for you departing from East Java, of course drive vehicles starting with departing bus from terminal to terminal Maospati Magetan. It takes about 30 minutes. Rice sesawahan way down the road. Up slightly into the air Magetan city was growing cool.

In this city of its flagship product is the leather craft, and of course there are a lot of things that we can rush to the central market of local industries. There are bags, belts, shoes and other knickknacks surrounding skin.

From the terminal Magetan first we must shift gears with drive L300, towards Ngerong (sales centers vegetables), through Sarangan lake (lake coolest seputran Pan Ma Ma Wi Rogo). and ends at Cemoro sewu, which is a departure from the south side of the post.

 View Mount Lawu

Access Path Cemoro Sewu
Nah sekarang kita membahas medan cemoro sewu hingga puncak. Awal pendakian jalan masih lebar dan agak datar, setelah memasuki pos 1 barulah tanjakan demi tanjakan menantang di depan kita. Jalan pun juga semakin menyempit. Pepohonan di sekitar pos 1 hingga pos 3 masih sama yaitu pinus dengan di selingi pohon perdu. Namun sayang sekali pada kanan kiri jalan, dari Cemoro sewu hingga pos 1 telah di babat menjadi ladang penanaman kobis dan wortel.

While the average trees have many died. Heading 1 to heading 2 stench out of rocks containing sulfur, while the place into the woods away from the road. Incline increasingly ngetrek when leaving the post 2 to 4. The post then after post 4 shrub that is at an altitude of 2600 meters above sea meets the valleys and canyons.

Well in the morning then we will continue the journey to reach the summit of Mount Lawu, Hargo Dumilah with an altitude of 3165 meters above sea level. At its peak in the wake of triangulation pillar, and a lot of gods in the form of incense, flowers and some food. From the top we could see to the east is Mount Wilis, and if just a good good weather again we could witness to the greatness of Mount Semeru, Mt.Arjuno. If you look to the west can see Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu.

Access Path Cemoro Kandang

And for those of you who want to climb from Central Java and Yogyakarta, can ride a bus from the terminal Solo, passing Palur and Karanganyar, and the bus ended up in Tawangmangu (famous for gerojokan sewu it) From Tawangmangu change pickup vehicle with a lid, or up L300, to get to Cemoro Cage.

In the course of our eyes staring at the expanse sesawahan selaui cabbage, carrots and potatoes, just off the edge of the nets, there are some people who wash yields in roadside drains. Arriving at Cemoro cages usually our first short rest, drink coffee or just chatting away. Cage Cemoro because there are more stalls than in Cemoro Sewu.

Along the lines of Cemoro Cage to the top of the path is not climbing, but tend to be circular and down the hillside (if Cemoro sewu through the ridge) to post 2 smell of sulfur was overpowering, plants of heading 1 to heading 4 is a plant lamtoro mountains, pine and fern , interspersed mountain shrubs.

Until well into the gulf street Pangariparip always down the slope, but if you do not want to walk a circle you can directly pass through sidatan, ngetrek and if it rains this path will be passed flood the mountains. Until the next post 4 plants already rare, and replaced the grass of the mountain, Clark Srengenge more widely through these pathways, lawns extend to later meet with lines of Cemoro Sewu, in the area HargoDalem.


 Peak Mount Lawu

 You will enter the market area Dieng, the expanse of meadow edelweiss in selinggi rocks neatly arranged, according to Dieng market myths is the market Satan. If you look to the north side of Market Dieng that our eyes will definitely be on a hill which has a tower base stations, namely hill Hargo heaven. Through the east side of the hill Hargo heaven that we can get through the hiking trail from the North side (Ngawi).


Source :
Anda akan memasuki daerah pasar Dieng, yaitu hamparan padang edelweis di selinggi bebatuan yang tertata rapi, menurut mitos pasar Dieng adalah pasarnya Setan. Jika melihat ke arah utara yaitu Sisi Pasar Dieng mata kita pasti akan tertuju pada sebuah bukit yang memiliki menara BTS, yaitu bukit Hargo Kahyangan. Melaui sisi sebelah timur bukit Hargo Kahyangan inilah kita bisa melewati jalur pendakian dari sisi Utara (Ngawi).

Twitter: @KeongTraveler, Instagram: @KeongTraveler, FansPage: Catatan Harian Keong



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