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Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Access Path Mount Sumbing in Indonesia

Access Path Mount Sumbing in Indonesia

Sumbing, including high mountain in Java lies between Waterford and the region Wonosobo, Central Java stands proudly alongside Sindoro mountain next to it. This strato bertype altitude mountain 3,371 meters above sea level, while its peak consisted of towering sandstone cliffs surrounded by craters - small craters spread sulfur fumes. Sumbing peak consists of two peaks, andes peak, with an altitude of 3,362 meters above sea level and the summit crater, with a height of 3,372 meters above sea level. Map Ascent Path Mount Sumbing to Garung.

This mountain climbing can be done through three alternative ascent route is:
Route Climbing Mount Sumbing
* These Parakan cepit (Pungungan East)
* These Bogowongso (Pungungan West)
* These Garung Village (North Pungungan)

View Sunrise Mount Sindoro and shadow MountSumbing of PEAK Mount Sumbing

Climbing lanes Garung
  To climb the mountain Sumbing via a hiking trail Garung there are 2 paths can be passed through the ridge to the left referred to as the old line while the right side of the ridge is often called a new path. in general a lot of climbers who pass through the ridge right hand because it is very easy.
  Of the three hiking trails, paths through the hamlet Garung is the path most in demand by the climbers because this track has a lot of safety instructions and the terrain is more secure and also travel time by using this path is the fastest compared with two other lines.

From Hamlet Garung climbers can start the climb with two alternative paths that climb the old paths and new paths. No differences were specific to the second line was only the direction and the angle of the climb just a little different. If using the old track then it will be very heavy because around (seduplak roto) or fifth kilometer ascent climbers will find terrain climbing a slope of about 70 degrees, so that when the rains would be very dangerous to climb. Unlike the new path that lies to the west of the old track, climbing terrain is not as heavy as the old path only when using this path many climbers will pass through a small hilly area so it will feel longer.

Here are the posts Mount Sumbing :
Old paths
* Base camp (Post supervision) (Km I) 1455 M
* The fields of agriculture (tobacco) (Km II)
* Malim (Km III)
* Genus (IV Km) 2240 M
* Seduplak Roto (Km V)
* Pestan 2437 M
* Pasar Watu (Watu Box) 2763 M
* Land White (KM VI)
* Peak Dead-end 3371 M
* Peak crater (KM VII)

New Path
* Base Camp (Km I)
* Agricultural fields (Km II)
* Kedung (Bosweisen) (Km III)
* Gatakan (IV Km) 2240 M (Heading 2)
* Krendegan

Path leading to the top after the farm is rocky path. The stone path known prone to landslides so climbers are advised to be careful through this route. After passing through this rocky path, the hikers will be able to reach the top dead-end (3371 M). of these peaks climbers must surround the trail to go down to the crater of the mount sumbing.

From the top of a dead-end in the morning can see the magnificent mountain climbers Sindoro located right in front of the eyes and the beauty of Mount Slamet (3428 Mdpl) 110 Km west Sumbing. 

Travel time required climbers to reach the summit is between 8 to 15 hours depending on weather and physical climbers. Even then using Garung path that includes the fastest among other lines. If the climber will try parakan cepit path or paths kalikajar then a trip to the summit could take a asmapi two-day trip because the track ramps and signs to the summit not much Garung path.

In addition to the view looking off in all directions during the ascent, the mountain also has a crater that could descend. Basically overgrown by grass and surrounded by rocky cliffs. This location can also be used as a place to sleep. Find a place some distance from the pit crater where the discharge of sulfur fumes.


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