All about Story for Travellers in Indonesian

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Access Mount Ciremei in Indonesia

Access Mount Ciremei in Indonesia

Ciremei mountain is the highest mountain in West Java (3,078 masl), can be seen clearly by the passenger train or other public vehicle along the path around the northern coast of Cirebon. To the top Ciremei there are three paths that can be taken that path Majalengka, and Palutungan path, the path Linggarjati. Linggarjati path is the steepest and toughest, but this path is the most frequently traveled climbers.

Strip Apuy

From the toll booth palimanan, up until the intersection palimanan little colt. The next ride public transportation to the Duchy, was continued to the intersection of Market up again toward the terminal Terminal Maja Maja quite crowded because it merges with a small market. Pickup vegetables to Apuy already existed since pk.05.00 morning, Leaving Maja with pickup passes foggy stretch of agricultural land interspersed with small villages captivating. At the end of the trip, pickup past the village hall dense and uphill. Pick up up in front of the board instructions to Muara Curug Kingdom + 600 m here there is a mosque. Mosque opposite the village hall, among which there are large trees plastered signposts to the top Ciremai and the waterfall. Behind the mosque there are toilets, entrance from the right side of the mosque. Parallel before the village hall there are stalls of food and drinks.

Strip Palutungan

Palutungan path is not as steep Linggajati track, but the travel time takes longer. Palutungan is a last village located on the southern slopes of the mountain Ciremei and is at an altitude of 1100 mdpl.Palutungan precisely located in the Village area Cisantana, district. Cigugur, Kab. Brass.

There is also a garden Linggajati Beautiful, park of 11 hectares has various recreational facilities, including swimming pools and springs Cibulakan, Silinggonom, Balong Renteng, Recreation water and a fishing pond, place of rest, cottages, villas, Forest Park, Caravan, etc. , Checkpoints is approximately 500 m from the Museum Linggajati, we need to enroll and pay insurance per person 5,000, -.

Prepare your provisions, especially water as hard to get water during the trip. The climbers can use the services of resident or post guards to guide their way to the top. The path to the summit is very clear and many signs pointing the way, so the climbers for the first time would not be lost.


Source : Gunung Ciremei

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